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Science Fair

Sierra's Science Fair for 2023-2024 is ______(TBD)______.


Judging will be back this year and is based on three categories: grades K-1, 2-3, and 4-5.  Entries can be experiments or demonstration/simulations.  Prizes will be given to the top 3 winners in each category.  Partner projects (no more than 2 students per project) are allowed but must be within the same age group. Judging will take place throughout the day on March 3rd. 


The optional Community Night takes place on ______(TBD)_______.  Parents, grandparents, and the community members can come in and tour the projects during that time.  Places and prizes will be awarded at 6pm, but you don't need to be present to win. 


More information will be sent home before Winter Break.  Disclaimer:  Any and all activities subject to change due to COVID regulations.

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